Do you need legal services? We are here to help you!
We are a strong and reputable law firm with a history stretching over more than two decades, our main area of focus being provision of day-to-day advice to entrepreneurs.

How can we assist you?
Our clients include numerous major companies in the Region of East Bohemia, Prague and other regions of the country, to whom we provide legal services in all key areas of law, both in Czech and English. Among others, we have provided to our clients the following legal services:
Company law
- Establishment of companies and/or cooperatives
- Comprehensive corporate legal advice
- Preparation and reviews of contracts in Czech and English
- General Meetings
- Share capital increases / decreases
- Recovery of ordinary trade receivables
- Damage compensation
- Company dissolution
- Comprehensive legal advice in company transformations
Real estate
- Preparation and review of real estate transfer contracts (purchase, donation or construction)
- Preparation and review of security interest agreements or easement agreements
- Preparation and review of lease and sub-lease agreements
- Escrow agreements
- One stop shop services for development projects
Insolvency and restructuring
- Drawing up of insolvency petitions and representation of debtors in insolvency proceedings
- Lodging of proofs of claim and representation of creditors in insolvency proceedings
- Drawing up of reorganization applications and preparation of reorganization plans
- Provision of legal advice to and representation of insolvency administrators
- Comprehensive advice for the entire insolvency law area
- Representation in adversary claims
Litigation, arbitration and other proceedings
- Representation before courts of all levels in the Czech Republic
- Representation before administrative authorities
- Representation in arbitral proceedings
Public procurement and tenders
- Specialized analyses on the interpretation of the Public Procurement Act
- One stop shop legal advice on public procurement and tenders
- Objections procedure, procedure before the Competition Office, complaints
Intellectual property
- Copyright enforcement
- Copyright use agreements
- Regulation of employer’s rights to work for hire
- License and sub-license agreements; license conditions
- Resolution of disputes with collective copyright managers (OSA, INTERGRAM, DILIA etc.)
- Trademark and design applications
- Representation in procedures before the Industrial Property Office and in judicial proceedings for the enforcement of copyright or industrial rights
- Representation in domain name litigations
- Personal data protection
Mergers and acquisitions
- Comprehensive legal advice in company transformations
- Mergers, acquisitions and companies restructuring
Labour law
- Representation in labour disputes
- Preparation and review of employment contracts and agreements to perform work outside employment (agreement to complete a job / agreement for work)
- Preparation and review of other employment-related documents (Rules of Work, Internal Regulations, etc.)
- Collective agreement bargaining
- Liability in employment relations
- Employment termination
- Representation in employment termination invalidity proceedings
Family law
- Divorce and settlement between spouses
- Matrimonial property limitation agreements
- Representation in maintenance disputes
- Regulation of parental visiting rights
Criminal law
- Representation of accused persons during the entire proceedings, in particular in economic crime cases
- Representation of injured persons, asserting their rights in criminal proceedings
Administrative law
- Administrative delict proceedings
- Building proceedings
- Representation in administrative proceedings
- Administrative justice
Health law
- Indemnification and non-property damage
- Representation of a doctor or a patient in criminal and civil proceedings
How do we set the price?
We will find out what you need
We will find out what we can do to help you. The hourly rate will vary based on the extent and type of the services provided.
We will agree on the fee
We will agree with you on an hourly rate or another method for determining the fee before the work begins. In providing our services, we will always proceed so as to be as cost-efficient as possible.
We will do our job
We will get to work. The time spent actually and effectively on providing the services will be entered by each lawyer in a statement of work.
We will issue an invoice
Based on the statements, we will issue and deliver to you a final invoice.
Flat-rate fee
We appreciate our clients’ being interested in long-term cooperation with us. To such clients, we can offer a more favourable monthly flat-rate fee. With this billing method, the hourly rate for legal advice decreases as the flat rate amount rises.
Information for consumers
On 5 February 2016, the Czech Bar Association was authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to perform out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes between attorneys and consumers, arising from legal services agreements (under Act No. 634/1992 Sb., on Consumer Protection, as amended).
For more information, go to the Czech Bar Association’s web page